Thursday, July 25, 2019

Defining Safe Weight Loss :

Defining Safe Weight Loss
↪ What is a Safe Weight Loss Objective?
Defining Safe Weight Loss

The rate of safe weight loss will differ from person to person depending on many factors. For a child who are still growing in height and are moderately to mildly overweight, there might not be an urgent need to press the child into a weight loss program yet. By simply maintaining the child's weight might be a better way, because the child will " grow into his or her own weight" and come down to a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). This works because BMI is a function of weight divided by height squared. If you maintain the weight while he or she is still growing, an increase of a few inches with the weight remaining the same will cause the BMI to decrease greatly.

But what about an adult or a child who is no longer growing in height? Most doctors and dietitians recommend losing 1 to 2 pounds per week as a rate of safe weight loss. Others, recommend losing only one pound per month. These rates are also applicable for the very overweight child who is still growing as well.

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