Monday, October 19, 2020

Why Women Should Build Muscle (Part 2)

👉 Why Women Should Build Muscle (Part 1)
Why Women Should Build Muscle (Part 2) :

Another reason why women should build muscle is because muscle burns calories. You can lose more unsightly bodyfat and weight if you are exercising your muscles. Combined with an effective cardio program and proper nutrition you can turn your body into a fat burning machine. It is important to remember that our bodies are burning calories all of the time for energy. We even burn calories when we sleep. Our bodies need a certain amount of energy throughout the day to survive. This is called our metabolism. So when we are just sitting still our bodies are burning calories.

Muscle tissue needs continual energy to exist so muscle are burning calories all of the time, even when at rest. So it makes sense that the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn. Combine more muscle with more movement and you will burn even more calories. Even though muscle weighs more than fat, it's calorie burning potential will help you lose more fat and weight overall.
Why Women Should Build Muscle (Part 2)

 Why Women Should Build Muscle (Part 2)
Why Women Should Build Muscle (Part 2)

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