Friday, February 1, 2019

Breathing in Strength: The Consequences of Poor Breathing

Especially during physical effort, be it cardio or strength training, muscles need more oxygen to function optimally.
This is why the breathing rate increases and the lungs and heart rate will accelerate. In this case, if you cannot control your breathing and breathe properly, shortness of breath will force you to stop your effort. To help you optimize your session, I invite you to read: Muscle recovery after a physical effort

Shortness of breath simply represents your body's inability to get enough oxygen. At the time, it therefore becomes impossible to continue physical activity and it is even likely to see muscle cramps appear.

Breathing in Strength: The Consequences of Poor Breathing Breathing in Strength: The Consequences of Poor Breathing Breathing in Strength: The Consequences of Poor Breathing Breathing in Strength: The Consequences of Poor Breathing Breathing in Strength: The Consequences of Poor Breathing Breathing in Strength: The Consequences of Poor Breathing

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