Saturday, January 19, 2019

Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 2) :

Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 2)
👉 Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 1)
Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 2) :
Just because you have to work on your lumbar muscles doesn't mean you have to involve them in heavy back exercises. When you take a lot of weight in exercises like lifting, horizontal pulling and rowing bar, it is important to observe an impeccable form of execution.
Many weightlifters make the mistake of overloading so that their bodies swing back and forth, imposing excessive force on the lower back with the risk of trauma to the intervertebral discs.

Between each series, making the targeted muscles more flexible is always a good idea to increase amplitude and muscle development.
For the back, grasp a fixed support and move away backwards, feeling the resistance that acts deeply at the ends of the muscles near their origins and insertions.

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