Friday, June 21, 2019

Approaches to Obtaining a Bodybuilders Physique (Part 2) :

Approaches to Obtaining a Bodybuilders Physique (Part 2)
Approaches to Obtaining a Bodybuilders Physique (Part 2) :
1. Bench press

This is very fundamental if you want to gain muscle. It is advisable to start off with a manageable weight. As you gradually get used to that weight, you can now increase the weight progressively as you build more and stronger muscles.

2. Shoulder press

You don't have to go to a gym to do this exercise; it can easily be done in the comfort of your residence. This specific exercise doesn't require any special gym equipment for it to be done. The only things you require are a weight rod and dumbbells. This exercise is used to build the shoulder muscles giving them that desired toned appearance. As earlier, start with a weight you can manage and gradually as you get used to that weight, increase it again in manageable sizes.

3. Running

The importance of running can't be overemphasized. It's an exercise that thoroughly builds your leg muscles getting rid of the extra flab on your legs as well as generally burns the fat in your body.

Remember that an efficient workout isn't a long excruciating ordeal. It should be brief and serve its purpose efficiently. It is advisable for one to work out for a time interval of 45 to 75 minutes. Anything more than 75 minutes won't be as productive as required.

It'll take time for your body to get used to the strain it'll experience, but the end result will be worth every minute of it all.

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