Monday, November 11, 2019

Next 2 : Truth of Fiction? A Look at Bodybuilding Maxims

Next 2 : Truth of Fiction? A Look at Bodybuilding Maxims :
"No pain, no gain"

This is perhaps the most classic, most oft-quoted maxim from the world of bodybuilding. It refers to the fact that you have to venture beyond your comfort level while exercising in order to gain beneficial results.

Unfortunately, taken literally, this maxim could be more harmful than helpful. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to hurt yourself during a workout. It does, however, take a reasonable measure of smarts plus common sense to get results from your training. I also happen to think that most weight trainingrelated injuries are not acute, but long-term damage that you aren't aware of until it's too late. I recently saw a photo of extreme fighter Frank Shamrock performing what he called a "power clean" with a grip that was at least 12 inches too wide. In 10 or 15 years I'm sure he'll wonder why he's in too much pain to lift anymore.

"No brain, no gain"

An intelligent counter-point to the above, and I agree: hard training is all but worthless if not conducted intelligently.

"They'll bury me big"

Translation: "I don't care if I die in the process, I will do anything to get freaky huge!" It's unfortunate how so many people will risk their health, career potential, relationships, and pretty much everything else for the one in a bizillian chance that they will ultimately win the Mr/Ms Whatever contest. Self-actualized people, on the other hand, train because of the rewards inherent in the process, not for a result which will probably never come.

"Go heavy or go home"

The idea that heavy weights must always be used irrespective of everything else is a mistaken idea, even for competitive lifters. Few athletes have the discipline to maintain correct technique with truly heavy weights. This may explain why Jimmy "the Iron Bull" Pallechia is so popular.

A much more refined approach, especially for bodybuilders, is to find how to get the most results with the lightest weights. Case in point: when Olympic weightlifter Joel Senate came to me early this year, I increased his front squat by 26 pounds in 4 weeks by using only lunges- and the most additional weight we used was 20 pound dumbbells!

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