Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bodybuilding Training Or Powerlifting Training? (Part 1) :

The sport of powerlifting is one that was spawned from bodybuilding training as many of the desired outcomes are essentially the same for both sports. The techniques and practices in bodybuilding training and powerlifting training can benefit each other, however the major difference is in the competitions which powerlifters and bodybuilders enter. As a bodybuilder the aim is to look as big and as defined as possible, whereas in powerlifting the aim is to lift as much weight as possible.

If you want to enter powerlifting competitions you’ll have to compete over three sections, the squat, the bench press and the dead lift. The winner of the competition unlike bodybuilding is no based on how good you muscles look but how much weight you can lift in total. If you enter a competition you’ll be put in a certain category or class depending on a number of factors such as age and experience. You don’t have to worry about your body’s aesthetics as you do in bodybuilding, so you can focus 100% on training your strength instead.

Bodybuilding Training Or Powerlifting Training? (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Training Or Powerlifting Training? (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Training Or Powerlifting Training? (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Training Or Powerlifting Training? (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Training Or Powerlifting Training? (Part 1)

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