Monday, August 31, 2020

Weight loss, my journey and the experiences that have helped me...

Weight loss, my journey and the experiences that have helped me...
Every time I start being hard on myself I remind myself where I started. I am so grateful for how far I have come. Physically and mentally healthier. Able to be the woman and mother I dreamed to be for my family and myself. Gaining a new confidence and love for life. I am not saying you have to be a certain size to love life or be happy, but my happiness came from my journey and the experiences that have helped me learn about myself along the way. 

I am forever thankful for being able to run and play with my kids. Being able to feel sexy for myself and my partner. Being able to have a real and healthy relationship with food. This journey has made me better along the way, and every time I just stop and think about it I am beyond grateful. Happy Saturday. Love & be kind to yourself. Always remember why you started and keep pushing on to be your best self because you deserve to live your best life.❤️

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