Therefore this article will show you some very compelling reasons about why women should train with weights.
Effective Fat Loss - Research done by Dr Wayne Westcott, PhD of South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts pointed out that women who train with weights three times a week for 2 months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle but will lose 3.5 pounds of body fat. In other words, you will lose ugly and unhealthy body fat and at the same time gain some muscles to tone and shape your body to look sexier and be healthier.
Gain Strength Without Bulky Muscles - The main reason women do not train with weights is because they fear gaining bulky muscles. This is perhaps the greatest myth about women training with weights.
Researchers unanimously agree that unlike men, women don't gain much size from weight training because women have 10 - 30 times less testosterone than men. You need testosterone hormone to build muscle size and women simply do not have enough of them.
Stop comparing yourself to the female bodybuilders because they are under very special centralized training and nutrition feeding to get muscular. If men already have so much difficulty in gaining big muscles, what more for women?
Prevention Of Heart Diseases - According to Dr. Barry Franklin of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan, weight training can improve cardiovascular health in many ways, such as the lowering "bad" cholesterol and increasing your level of "good" cholesterol and also lowering your blood pressure. As a personal trainer, I have personally seen these beneficial effects in many of my clients.
Prevention Of Arthritis and Osteoporosis - It is a fact that women are more prone to getting bone and joint diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis. Many researches have compellingly confirmed that weight training can increase bone density and strengthen your joints thus is very helpful in preventing osteoporosis and arthritis.
Prevention Of Diabetes - Researchers have also found that weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which probably will reduce the risk of having crippling diabetes. They found out that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by up to about 25% in a matter of just four months.
So ladies, if you want to be healthy, staving away some potentially fatal diseases and getting into a great sexy body shape, then stop giving excuses about weight lifting and start doing them now!
Effective Fat Loss - Research done by Dr Wayne Westcott, PhD of South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts pointed out that women who train with weights three times a week for 2 months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle but will lose 3.5 pounds of body fat. In other words, you will lose ugly and unhealthy body fat and at the same time gain some muscles to tone and shape your body to look sexier and be healthier.
Gain Strength Without Bulky Muscles - The main reason women do not train with weights is because they fear gaining bulky muscles. This is perhaps the greatest myth about women training with weights.
Researchers unanimously agree that unlike men, women don't gain much size from weight training because women have 10 - 30 times less testosterone than men. You need testosterone hormone to build muscle size and women simply do not have enough of them.
Stop comparing yourself to the female bodybuilders because they are under very special centralized training and nutrition feeding to get muscular. If men already have so much difficulty in gaining big muscles, what more for women?
Prevention Of Heart Diseases - According to Dr. Barry Franklin of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan, weight training can improve cardiovascular health in many ways, such as the lowering "bad" cholesterol and increasing your level of "good" cholesterol and also lowering your blood pressure. As a personal trainer, I have personally seen these beneficial effects in many of my clients.
Prevention Of Arthritis and Osteoporosis - It is a fact that women are more prone to getting bone and joint diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis. Many researches have compellingly confirmed that weight training can increase bone density and strengthen your joints thus is very helpful in preventing osteoporosis and arthritis.
Prevention Of Diabetes - Researchers have also found that weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which probably will reduce the risk of having crippling diabetes. They found out that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by up to about 25% in a matter of just four months.
So ladies, if you want to be healthy, staving away some potentially fatal diseases and getting into a great sexy body shape, then stop giving excuses about weight lifting and start doing them now!
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