3 - Wrong number of Reps :
This isn't just a kettlebell workout mistake, you will see this across all types of fitness. You want to be careful to not get caught up in numbers. Remember the goal is not to do "X sets and Y reps." You should have two exclusive goals. Build muscle and burn calories. The majority for beginners is hovers around 8-9 reps. The number of reps and sets can all change based on your goals. You should never be to the point where you are have to struggle through your set. On the flip side don't ever let it get to the point where you don't suck a little wind at the end of your set. Use these metrics for measuring sticks to your kettlebell workout goals, not strict guidelines.
This isn't just a kettlebell workout mistake, you will see this across all types of fitness. You want to be careful to not get caught up in numbers. Remember the goal is not to do "X sets and Y reps." You should have two exclusive goals. Build muscle and burn calories. The majority for beginners is hovers around 8-9 reps. The number of reps and sets can all change based on your goals. You should never be to the point where you are have to struggle through your set. On the flip side don't ever let it get to the point where you don't suck a little wind at the end of your set. Use these metrics for measuring sticks to your kettlebell workout goals, not strict guidelines.
How to fix: Looking for a more cardiovascular workout? Drop a weight size and gun for 14-15 reps. Do you wan to pack on some muscle? Get a bit heavier and try for 5-6 reps. Don't make the mistake and be "that guy" who tries to do 2 reps with the 90lb kettlebell. Conversely, don't crank out 20 reps without breaking a sweat. Do what is comfortable to you and fits your goals.
👉 5 - Using a kettlebell weight that is too heavy or too light
👉 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles
👉 3 - Wrong number of Reps
👉 2 - Thick Soled Shoes
👉 1 - Kettlebell Wrist Form
👉 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles
👉 3 - Wrong number of Reps
👉 2 - Thick Soled Shoes
👉 1 - Kettlebell Wrist Form
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