5 - Using a kettlebell weight that is too heavy or too light :
This is probably the most common mistake at any gym. Kettlebell users are no exception. Men are always guilty of starting off with weights that are too heavy and affect form. Women tend to start using weights that are too light to be worthwhile. If your weight is too heavy then you will run the risk of injury, especially in the lower back. If your weight is too light you will fail to activate all your muscles, especially your lower body.
How to Fix: Do you think your kettlebell weight is too heavy? Check your form out in the mirror. Are you under control? Do you have to lean to get the weight up? Are your joints sore after a workout? A great test to see if your weight is too heavy is to see if you can get 8-9 quality reps in. If you are struggling and losing form on your last reps than your weight is too heavy. While the bodybuilding strategy of "maxing out" works great with static anaerobic exercise, kettlebell swings involving lots of motion require more quality reps to properly get your entire body involved. If you feel like your motion is completely off, do a few sets empty handed. Look at the closest mirror and observe yourself from all sides and focus on your form.
This is probably the most common mistake at any gym. Kettlebell users are no exception. Men are always guilty of starting off with weights that are too heavy and affect form. Women tend to start using weights that are too light to be worthwhile. If your weight is too heavy then you will run the risk of injury, especially in the lower back. If your weight is too light you will fail to activate all your muscles, especially your lower body.
How to Fix: Do you think your kettlebell weight is too heavy? Check your form out in the mirror. Are you under control? Do you have to lean to get the weight up? Are your joints sore after a workout? A great test to see if your weight is too heavy is to see if you can get 8-9 quality reps in. If you are struggling and losing form on your last reps than your weight is too heavy. While the bodybuilding strategy of "maxing out" works great with static anaerobic exercise, kettlebell swings involving lots of motion require more quality reps to properly get your entire body involved. If you feel like your motion is completely off, do a few sets empty handed. Look at the closest mirror and observe yourself from all sides and focus on your form.
Do you think your kettlebell weight is too light? Do you feel your entire body working? Are you sweating? If you can get 10+ reps in and you don't feel an entire body workout you might want to move up a weight. Feel free to use different kettlebells between sets. If your kettlebell workout plan is to do 3x8(3 sets of 8 reps each) do your first 2 sets with your original weight then move up for your last set. Your next work out do 1 set with the lighter weight and the final 2 with your heavier weight. This is a great way to slowly move your weight up while keeping form.
👉 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles
👉 3 - Wrong number of Reps
👉 2 - Thick Soled Shoes
👉 1 - Kettlebell Wrist Form
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