Weight training for women has become more and more popular over the last two decades. But is it really a good idea for women to lift weights? This article explains the issues at hand, and reveals answers that every woman should be aware of before they start a weight lifting program.
Weight Training For Women - Will It Bulk You Up?
Many women worry that strength training with weights will cause them to bulk up. The last thing most women want is to look like a female body builder. Fortunately, studies have shown that's just not the case with most female weight lifters. Despite images you may have seen in bodybuilding magazines, the only way a woman is going to get huge, man-like muscles is with pharmaceutical help. Most women simply do not have enough natural testosterone in their bodies to bulk up by lifting weights.
Is Weight Training More Dangerous for Women?
This is a common question among women who are under the mistaken assumption that their bodies are not designed to lift weights. Nothing could be further from the truth; in fact, women are uniquely designed for load-bearing activities. This is because their bodies are designed to withstand the difficulties of pregnancy and childbirth. So long as you receive proper instruction and use proper technique, there is little risk of hurting yourself weight lifting.
In a word, no. Studies have shown that load bearing exercise is one of the best forms of exercise for women, due to the fact that it stimulates the body to increase bone density. As women get older, their risk for osteoporosis increases, so it only makes sense that any form of exercise that stimulates the body to maintain bone density would be beneficial.
Weight Lifting Has Other Benefits for Women
Besides the benefit of stronger bones, weight training for women has also been shown to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes, two diseases that are a risk for women. And, increased muscle mass means a higher metabolism, meaning that women who lift weights will burn fat and calories more efficiently. Overall, it's obvious that resistance training with weight is a very beneficial activity for women.
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