Sunday, December 26, 2021

10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast (Part 2) :

👉 10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast (Part 1)

10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast (Part 2) :

5. Not every gym has this machine, and that's a good thing. The back extension exercise machine is a definite apparatus to stay away from. The problem with this machine is that you are loading your spine and low back while it's in the hyper extended position. This puts unnecessary stress on your vertebrate. This exercise is so bad I don't think that any gyms even have this machine.

If you're looking for exercise to work your low back compound movements are best, like the dead lift and squat. If you do one isolation exercise that will strengthen your low back stick with our RDL's or reverse hyper extensions.

6. This next exercise is predominantly done by women but again is a waste of your time. Abduction and adduction machines, you know the machine, the one where you open and close your legs. This exercise is just plain useless and won't build your leg muscles, help you tone your legs, or burn an fat.

Most people have an imbalance between the two movements, working this machine does nothing to fix the problem but may actually create more of an imbalance. You're best to just keep on moving.

7. Ab machines are doing you a disservice. Your core is meant to function as a stabilizer. So working your abs in isolation like you do on a machine is not how they do their job. Many of the machines attempt to take the hip flexors out of the movement but in reality your abs don't work that way. Your core is meant to protect her spine so it is best to do exercises that do just that.

Why not try front and side planks or dead lifts and squats without a belt. This will definitely work your core muscles the way they are designed to.

8. The lat pull down behind the head can cause some serious damage to your shoulders and in particular your rotator cuff. There is absolutely no reason to do this exercise. The same goes for pull-ups, there is no benefit to go behind your neck. The same goes for the shoulder press. Keep the bar in font of your body. Much safer on your neck and shoulders.

9. The ab twist machine is a killer too. Having your lower body fixed and rotating your upper body against heavy weight is hard on your lower back. Your core is designed to resist motion not create it.

Instead try chops or static hold against resistance. This is much safer and effective for core development.

10. This last exercise, although safe irritates me every time I see it. That is the triceps kickback. Doing this exercise while lunging doesn't make it any better. I see this move in aerobics classes all the time and it just makes me wonder who runs these classes. It's not going to help you lose weight or tone up your arms. Get rid of it.

If you're looking to get big and strong or want horseshoe shaped triceps, this will not do it. With those 5 or so minutes that you waste doing this useless exercise you could have done a few sets of close grip push-ups and have gotten much better results.

10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast 10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast 10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast 10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast 10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast 10 Weight Training Exercises to Avoid If You Want to Build Muscle Fast

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