Saturday, November 12, 2022

Love Yourself Enough to Be Healthy :

Fitness is one of the most misunderstood topics in our society today. Most people have a sincere desire to be healthy and fit, but they don't have a clue how to go about it. This confusion is further enhanced when people see the many advertisements in magazines or on television, promising six-pack abs, sculpted thighs, and perky butts, from taking a supplement. Unfortunately some fall for this 'hype', and believe that this is what a 'fit' person should look like. The truth of the matter is that, recent studies show that less than 5% of women in the United States actually resemble the 'model' body type that is plastered throughout our media channels. Many people become frustrated with their quest to become fit, because their bodies don't end up resembling a fitness model or bodybuilder, and they give up.

Fitness comes in many different shapes and sizes. Genetics play a huge role in determining the look of our bodies. For instance, I'm a 'pear' shaped woman. No matter how much I train my body and eat right, without taking excess supplements, I am still going to have the same overall 'pear' shape. Only now, my body will be leaner and stronger, and healthier. If your body is free of injury and disease, you have the ability to get in great shape. The question is, can you be happy and love your own natural body?

The point I would like to get across is, to embrace the body you were born with. You were created perfect and over the years many of us have polluted that perfection, but it can be regained through time, discipline, and most of all self-love. You are worth the effort, so "Love yourself enough to be Healthy".

Love Yourself Enough to Be Healthy Love Yourself Enough to Be Healthy Love Yourself Enough to Be Healthy Love Yourself Enough to Be Healthy Love Yourself Enough to Be Healthy Love Yourself Enough to Be Healthy

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