Saturday, June 15, 2024

From 1 lb to 100: My Journey to Sustainable Weight Loss Through Lifestyle Changes

From 1 lb to 100: My Journey to Sustainable Weight Loss Through Lifestyle Changes

1 lb away from 100 lb loss. I've learned a lot and not focusing on the scale has been a game changer. I became more focused on how my clothes fit and body composition.

I know we're all individuals with different needs and methods.
For me personally, I didn't go with surgery or supplements, I wanted to change my lifestyle because I felt that was more sustainable and I wouldn't go backwards if I committed myself.

I started by decreasing portion sizes, eating high volume food, and at least 3L of water per day. I was too big to even do a crunch so I began mobility training, calisthenics workouts and lifting.

Has it been easy? Not at first but when I changed my mentality it became fun! I guess what it comes down to is getting out of our own heads, dedication, and patience. I hope this helps anyone who's frustrated with their journey 🫶

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