Saturday, February 16, 2019

What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 5. An overall improvement in physical condition

5. An overall improvement in physical condition :
HIIT is the ideal method to develop and improve your general physical condition, particularly with regard to respiratory functions or muscle mass. Athletes who practice regular HIIT training also see their anaerobic and VO2 Max (aerobic) capacity increase significantly over time.

But fractionated training also allows considerable muscle growth, which leads to a gain in power within a few weeks  indeed, research has found that the HIIT method promotes increased levels of testosterone, a hormone essential for building mass and muscle power.
👉 6. A multitude of health benefits
What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 5. An overall improvement in physical condition What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 5. An overall improvement in physical condition What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 5. An overall improvement in physical condition What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 5. An overall improvement in physical condition What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 5. An overall improvement in physical condition What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 5. An overall improvement in physical condition

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