Tuesday, February 5, 2019

6 tips to keep motivated - Strength training : 6 - Design your workspace :

5 - Consider asking for help
6 - Design your workspace :
You won't have that much of a problem in the gym. A sports hall is dedicated to practice, mirrors are numerous, there is motivating music and posters of athletes on the wall. But at home, none of that. 

So you should reproduce this by placing a station to listen to your own music, a mirror to admire your progress and correct your technique, as well as photos of athletes whose physique makes you dream.
Long-time strength training practitioner, passionate about the discipline...
6 tips to keep motivated - Strength training : 6 - Design your workspace 6 tips to keep motivated - Strength training : 6 - Design your workspace 6 tips to keep motivated - Strength training : 6 - Design your workspace 6 tips to keep motivated - Strength training : 6 - Design your workspace 6 tips to keep motivated - Strength training : 6 - Design your workspace 6 tips to keep motivated - Strength training : 6 - Design your workspace

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