Saturday, January 12, 2019

Training tips for a wider back : Back strength training (Part 2) :

Training tips for a wider back : Back strength training (Part 2)
👉 Back strength training (Part 1)
Back strength training (Part 2) :
In combination with a firm abdominal strap, well-developed back muscles produce a huge impression. On the other hand, it is the pulling movements (horizontal pulling, rowing) that accentuate the thickness of the central part of the back. These are generally power movements in which one can take extremely heavy.

However, visually, the back is not "finished" if we neglect the exercises that involve the lumbar vertebrae and trapezius (sometimes worked with the deltoids).
For the former, lumbar extensions on the bench and a well executed good morning are a good choice; for the latter, they are effectively used by the shrug.

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