Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How to have bigger biceps : 14 - Opt for a tighter grip :

14 - Opt for a tighter grip :
The long head of the biceps, which is the upper part of the muscle, may be more stressed than the short head, or the part closest to the arm. To target the long biceps head, you need to use a tighter grip: the hands are only a few inches apart during the bending of the forearms to the bar.

If you prefer dumbbells, you can target the long biceps head by flexing to your chest at a 45-degree angle by lifting the dumbbell and pointing it toward the opposite shoulder rather than lifting it up a line. right.
👉 15 - Opt for a wider grip.
How to have bigger biceps : 14 - Opt for a tighter grip
How to have bigger biceps : 14 - Opt for a tighter grip
How to have bigger biceps : 14 - Opt for a tighter grip
How to have bigger biceps : 14 - Opt for a tighter grip
How to have bigger biceps : 14 - Opt for a tighter grip

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