Friday, November 15, 2019

Muscle Building Workouts - Basic Exercises for Bodybuilding Beginners (Men/Women) : Alternate Dumbbell Curl

Muscle Building Workouts - Basic Exercises for Bodybuilding Beginners (Men) : Alternate Dumbbell Curl
Alternate Dumbbell Curl:

This workout is similar to standing curl but you've to take dumbbells instead of barbell rod. Take dumbbell on both hands while you are sitting and your palm facing in the direction of your face. Lift your right dumbbell till your arm is bent fully while keeping your knees still. Then move your dumbbell back slowly to staring position. Do this with your left dumbbell. This completes your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

These are the basic exercises with light weights which you have to do during your first 10-15 days then you will move to further exercises. These exercise will help your body to build its shape and then you will be able to lift heavier weights.

Remember to take sufficient amount of protein, carbs, and skim milk after every 3-4 hours to ensure proper building of your muscles.

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