Saturday, May 9, 2020

About Sexy Female Abs (Part 1) :

There are many false beliefs about women developing abdominal muscles. Can you really get those huge bodybuilder-like abdominals without aiming for it? I can tell you the short answer right here, no. It is hard for men and even harder for women to develop that ripper look with big abdominal muscles.

Fact is that it is harder for women to develop ab muscles than it is form men. The reason is biological and in hormone levels, if you have lower testosterone levels in your body, you'll find developing big abdominal muscles really hard. This doesn't mean that getting a flatter stomach is really that much harder for men or for women. Sad truth is that more muscle mass your body has, more your body consumes energy and this is really where the men have their edge. So not to gather around your belly that extra layer of fat, you really need to look after what you are eating.

↪ About Sexy Female Abs (Part 2)
About Sexy Female Abs (Part 1)
About Sexy Female Abs (Part 1)
About Sexy Female Abs (Part 1)
About Sexy Female Abs (Part 1)
About Sexy Female Abs (Part 1)

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