Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Abs workout: Gorgeous six-pack fitness queen Ronnie Blewitt on her abs workout secrets :

Female Bodybuilder, fitness athlete and former British Figure Champion Ronnie Blewitt has the kind of abs which stop traffic, cause men to walk into lamp-posts, and cause all round chaos. They are THAT spectacular!

Ronnie, 35, who is currently prepping her 5ft 9ins, 135lbs, muscular physique for her seventh bodybuilding show, is adamant that diet, more diet and even more diet is as important as any abs workout to getting a ripped midsection.

But that said, there are some abs workout no-brainers... and Ronnie has let into what she thinks is one of the most overlooked abs exercises – The Plank.

For fantastic abs it has to be said that the most underrated exercise is the plank.

The plank works the core and having a strong core will benefit you in every exercise you do.

That said you will not get a six pack if you are not eating right .I would suggest starting with a 30 second plank every day for a week and then gradually add 10 seconds each week.

Depending on your individual fitness levels and current strength this can be adapted accordingly.

I would suggest at least once per week aiming for a record time.

This exercise is brilliant for anyone, I've seen results from 50+ women to hardcore devoted gym bunnies.

I tend to do hanging leg raises in between sets as a means of stretching my back and spine and working the lower abdominals at the same time.

If you want a really good overall abdominal exercise routine in addition to that then I would suggest laying flat on the floor with lower back fully engaged with the mat. If there is an arch then you will not have fully engaged the abdominals. 3 x 20 front crunches (if performed correctly this will burn) , 3x 25 side crunches and 3x 15 hanging leg raises.

Keep training and stay fit x

Abs workout: Gorgeous six-pack fitness queen Ronnie Blewitt on her abs workout secrets Abs workout: Gorgeous six-pack fitness queen Ronnie Blewitt on her abs workout secrets Abs workout: Gorgeous six-pack fitness queen Ronnie Blewitt on her abs workout secrets Abs workout: Gorgeous six-pack fitness queen Ronnie Blewitt on her abs workout secrets Abs workout: Gorgeous six-pack fitness queen Ronnie Blewitt on her abs workout secrets Abs workout: Gorgeous six-pack fitness queen Ronnie Blewitt on her abs workout secrets

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