Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Apart from eating a balanced diet what supplements, vitamins do you take before, after and between workout days?

Apart from eating a balanced diet what supplements, vitamins do you take before, after and between workout days?
Question :

Apart from eating a balanced diet what supplements, vitamins do you take before, after and between workout days? I get quite bad fatigue and it affects my ability to workout consistently so anything that has helped others I'd love to hear about, thanks 😊

Reply :

I drink ultima electrolytes every day. At least one serving in the morning, often a second after work.
Collagen bc it's a building block for everything in tour body.
Magnesium for my muscles, headache prevention, and digestive tract.
And then just a one a day gummy vitamin.
I've played around with other stuff but these seem to be the ones I notice the most positive effects from.

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