Friday, March 22, 2019

How to have bigger biceps: 1 - Perform a forearm flexion at the bar :

How to have bigger biceps: 1 - Perform a forearm flexion at the bar
1 - Perform a forearm flexion at the bar :
Perform forearm flexion at the bar. This is undoubtedly the best exercise for biceps. Flexing your forearms at the bar is what many people think of when it comes to muscle biceps. The exercise involves placing your hands on the bar and starting with your elbows fully extended. Then bend your arms to raise the bar to the chest.

- Keep your elbows steady and your back straight for a perfect position. You will put all the weight on your arms.
- Do not lower the bar too quickly. Rest gently to increase the efficiency of each flexion.
- You can also do this exercise in a sitting position. The bar will come to rest on your thighs at rest. This position limits movement to the area that puts the most weight on the biceps
👉 2 - Perform forearm flexion with dumbbells.

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