10 Exercise Myths and Facts : 2 - Cutting calories down will help me lose weight - Female bodybuilders

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

10 Exercise Myths and Facts : 2 - Cutting calories down will help me lose weight

10 Exercise Myths and Facts : 2 - Cutting calories down will help me lose weight
2 - Cutting calories down will help me lose weight :

When you dramatically reduce calories, your bodies metabolism slows down. This is the engine to your body. Also, if you go too long without consuming a decent amount of calories, your body will start to release fat storing hormones called Lipoprotein lipases. These will float around your blood system, and next time you eat, they will grab the nutrients and store them as fat - your bodies last possible source of energy, as it thinks you are in starvation.

Eat little and often, every 3 hours and you'll keep your metabolism high. If you are going to cut calories in an attempt to lose weight, start by just 300 calories a day, possibly moving to 500 if you see no results are a week.


👉 10 - Women will get bulky from lifting weights
👉 9 - Carbohydrates make you fat
👉 8 - 2 sets of 15 is all you need for each exercise
👉 7 - If I exercise, I will get where I want to be without changing my diet.
👉 6 - Machines are safer than free weights
👉 5 - Running, or cardio is the way to lose fat.
👉 4 - Targeting specific muscle groups is the best way to lift.
👉 3. You need supplements to get in shape
👉 2. Cutting calories down will help me lose weight
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