Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Three Best Ab Exercises : 2 - Max Out On Vegetables And Fresh Fruit

The Three Best Ab Exercises : 2 - Max Out On Vegetables And Fresh Fruit
2 - Max Out On Vegetables And Fresh Fruit

You need to start eating a green or yellow vegetable with each meal. (Notice I did NOT say anything about potatoes?) Green and yellow vegetable are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are foundation foods that help satiate your hunger as they build your body. Salads are good...just do not sabotage your efforts by loading on the Ranch dressing.

You need to start eating more fresh fruits. Having an apple and ice water 20 minutes prior to each meal is a trick bodybuilders and female fitness models use to burn belly fat. An apple is extremely filling. Coupled with a glass of ice water, it forces you to eat less, reducing your portions and calories. Getting rid of love handles and male belly fat is simple, but not so easily done.

Just because fruits are good for you does not mean you can eat as many as you want. A banana has about 120 calories, and anywhere from 12g - 19g of natural sugar. You do NOT need to pound down two of those at each sitting. Also, STAY AWAY from substituting fruit juices for fresh fruit. They are pretty much sugar water and will not help you lose belly fat.

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