Saturday, February 16, 2019

The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 1. Adapt the difficulty of the training to your profile : is open to all, beginners and advanced. That said, it is nevertheless necessary to have a basic level of training, and a healthy physical condition.

It is also essential to determine the protocol to follow according to your state of the day/time (fatigue, cold, overweight,...).
👉 2. Don't ignore training and recovery

The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 1. Adapt the difficulty of the training to your profile The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 1. Adapt the difficulty of the training to your profile The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 1. Adapt the difficulty of the training to your profile The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 1. Adapt the difficulty of the training to your profile The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 1. Adapt the difficulty of the training to your profile The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 1. Adapt the difficulty of the training to your profile

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