Sunday, February 17, 2019

The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 2. Don't ignore training and recovery :

2. Don't ignore training and recovery :
Whatever the duration and intensity of the session, it should begin with a 15-minute warm-up (diaphragmatic breathing, light exercises, self-massages,...) 

and end with about 5 minutes of recovery (stretching, self-massages,...).
The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 2. Don't ignore training and recovery The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 2. Don't ignore training and recovery The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 2. Don't ignore training and recovery The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 2. Don't ignore training and recovery The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 2. Don't ignore training and recovery The golden rules of H.I.I.T. training : 2. Don't ignore training and recovery

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