Saturday, January 2, 2021

Building Massive Biceps : Exploiting Exercises' Unique Attributes

As explained in Ironmans' Positions of Flexion system, exercises can be categorised based on where in a muscles strength curve the most tension is applied: the midrange, peak contracted or stretched position. And how you should perform an exercise will depend upon which of these categories it fits.

Midrange movements - like barbell curls for biceps and skullcrushers for triceps - typically allow the use of comparatively heavy weights. They rarely provide a full stretch and there is rarely much tension in the peak contracted position. So do not waste your time trying to squeeze your muscles or exaggerate a stretch. Instead, focus on heaving big weights and let the weight - not your imagination - be the stress on the muscle. And yes, some swinging and cheating is fine. Just make sure you are cheating to work the muscle harder; not to make the exercise easier or an excessive weight doable.

Peak-contraction movements - like concentration curls for biceps and dumbbell kickbacks for triceps - place maximum load on the muscle in the weakest, fully contracted position. This unique stress forces every motor unit to fire every myofibril within every fibre of your muscle. As such you need to make sure that the muscle is actually loaded in the contracted position by pausing and holding at the top of each rep. If you pump and swing your tricep kickbacks then you are completely defeating the purpose of the exercise. You can pump and swing your pushdowns but you need to squeeze and hold your kickbacks.

Stretch movements - like incline curls for biceps and overhead extensions for triceps - load the muscle in the stretch position. Loaded stretching has several positive effects:
1. it activates the Golgi Tendon Reflex which forces an involuntary contraction far stronger than you can voluntarily muster.
2. it can cause an extreme stretch on the muscles fascial sheath
3. it causes the release of prostaglandins such as Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) which is a hugely powerful muscle growth signaller

To receive all these benefits requires a very specific method of exercise execution with strict emphasis on hitting the deepest stretch position on every rep.

To activate the Golgi Tendon Reflex you need to use a plyometric type 'bounce' out of the bottom of each rep. There is a controlled but accelerating negative portion followed by a controlled swing and 'bounce' with a powerful drive back to the top.

For the fascial stretch and MGF release, stop in the stretch position at the end of the set and just let the weight rip your muscle open. Done right, the burn and stretch is excruciatingly painful; but your muscles can look visually 'rounder' almost immediately after.

Building Massive Biceps : Exploiting Exercises' Unique Attributes
Building Massive Biceps : Exploiting Exercises' Unique Attributes
Building Massive Biceps : Exploiting Exercises' Unique Attributes
Building Massive Biceps : Exploiting Exercises' Unique Attributes
Building Massive Biceps : Exploiting Exercises' Unique Attributes

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