Thursday, December 31, 2020

Building Massive Biceps : Training Splits

In order to train bis and tris on the same day you might need to change your current training split. A suitable 2-way split would be:
Day 1: Chest, Back, Shoulders
Day 2: Arms, Legs

A suitable 3-way split is:
Day 1: Chest, Back
Day 2: Shoulders, Arms
Day 3: Legs

And an advanced, arm focused 4-way split could be:
Day 1: Chest, Triceps (with light bicep pump)
Day 2: Back, Hamstrings
Day 3: Shoulders, Biceps (with light triceps pump)
Day 4: Quads, Calves

If you are doing full body workouts then you won't be able to do 2 exercises each for the bis and tris. In this case your arms will have already been hammered by your chest and back work anyway. So you can simply use stretch movements - eg Incline Dumbbell Curls alternated with Overhead Dumbbell Extensions. Otherwise, just make sure to stretch your arms aggressively after training them.

👉 Building Massive Biceps : Basic Training Principles
👉 Building Massive Biceps : Pro Observations
👉 Building Massive Biceps : Lessons from SEO's
👉 Building Massive Biceps : Training the Arms
👉 Building Massive Biceps : Arm Workout Structure
👉 Building Massive Biceps : Exercise Selection
👉 Building Massive Biceps : Exploiting Exercises' Unique Attributes
👉 Building Massive Biceps : Rep Schemes
👉 Building Massive Biceps : A Word on Diet


Building Massive Biceps :  Training Splits

Building Massive Biceps :  Training Splits

Building Massive Biceps :  Training Splits
Building Massive Biceps :  Training Splits
Building Massive Biceps :  Training Splits

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