How Can Women Lift Weights and Not Get Bigger?
The basic truth is that all forms of resistance training will make the muscle cell bigger (Myofibrillar Hypertrophy) to some degree but you can train and eat in a manner that will maximize your strength but not the size of your muscles. For example, most bodybuilders train for size by lifting moderately heavy weights and pumping themselves up with set after set of exercises that make the workout sessions last for a long period of time. It's not unheard of for a bodybuilder to spend over an hour just training their legs. A bodybuilder might do 5 sets of squats, 3 sets of leg presses, 3 sets of lunges, 3 sets of leg extensions, 3 sets of leg curls, 3 sets of hyperextensions, and do this all in the same training session.
The basic truth is that all forms of resistance training will make the muscle cell bigger (Myofibrillar Hypertrophy) to some degree but you can train and eat in a manner that will maximize your strength but not the size of your muscles. For example, most bodybuilders train for size by lifting moderately heavy weights and pumping themselves up with set after set of exercises that make the workout sessions last for a long period of time. It's not unheard of for a bodybuilder to spend over an hour just training their legs. A bodybuilder might do 5 sets of squats, 3 sets of leg presses, 3 sets of lunges, 3 sets of leg extensions, 3 sets of leg curls, 3 sets of hyperextensions, and do this all in the same training session.
When you do high volume weight training like a bodybuilder not only do you make the actual muscle cell bigger (Myofibrillar Hypertrophy) and stronger but you also add to the size of your muscles through fluid transfer and carbohydrate storage. When you pump yourself up with set after set of an exercise on the same body part, two things happen. First, there is blood and other fluids rushing into the working muscle and making them bigger (sarcoplasmic hypertrophy) and second, your body has to adapt to the long tedious workouts by storing more carbohydrates (Glycogen Super compensation) into the muscle for future similar workouts. This is the type of training you want to avoid if you don't want to make your legs bigger.
👉 Introduction : Workouts for Women: Lift Weights and Don't Get Bigger
👉 Women's Weight Training Goals
👉 How Can Women Lift Weights and Not Get Bigger?
👉 Women Should Train for Strength Not Size
👉 Women's Weight Training Goals
👉 How Can Women Lift Weights and Not Get Bigger?
👉 Women Should Train for Strength Not Size
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