Saturday, November 20, 2021

Strength Training 101, How to Get Strong, Build Muscle : Bodyweight Strength Training

Bodyweight Strength Training :

Pick one of each type of the exercises and perform one set of as many reps as you can till failure to start. Train 5 days a week and two days off. I recommend Monday-Friday and take the weekends off.

* Pushes- Pushups, one-arm pushups, feet-elevated pushups, handstand pushups, etc

* Pulls- Pullups, chinups, horizontal row pullups, etc

* Squats - bodyweight squats, pistols (one-legged squats), deck squats

* Explosive - high jumps onto platforms, jump squats, star jumps, etc...

When you can do 100 pushups, 20 pullups, and 100 squats in the same workout you are ready to start lifting weights. You don't have to do these all non-stop, you could break it up like 20 pushups, 20 squats, 5 pullups, etc until you hit those numbers. Once you can do this workout, you'll be ready to lift weights (and you'll already be looking good and feeling healthy).

Strength Training 101, How to Get Strong, Build Muscle : Bodyweight Strength Training Strength Training 101, How to Get Strong, Build Muscle : Bodyweight Strength Training Strength Training 101, How to Get Strong, Build Muscle : Bodyweight Strength Training Strength Training 101, How to Get Strong, Build Muscle : Bodyweight Strength Training Strength Training 101, How to Get Strong, Build Muscle : Bodyweight Strength Training Strength Training 101, How to Get Strong, Build Muscle : Bodyweight Strength Training

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