Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Safe and Sane, Sensible and Scientific Approach To Weight Loss : Determine your baseline weight and your target weight

The Safe and Sane, Sensible and Scientific Approach To Weight Loss : Determine your baseline weight and your target weight
Determine your baseline weight and your target weight :

The first step in doing a scientific weight loss program is to know your current weight and your ideal weight. The ideal weight for you is somewhere within the normal weight range for your particular height as indicated in standard height and weight charts.

It is not enough to just aim to fit into your skinny jeans. You must have a specific target weight to aim for.


👉 Introduction : The Safe and Sane, Sensible and Scientific Approach To Weight Loss
👉 Determine your baseline weight and your target weight.
👉 Understand the equation on weight loss.
👉 Know the normal and safe rate of weight loss.
👉 Set a date for achieving your ideal weight.
👉 Know your maintenance calorie needs.
👉 Educate yourself on the basics of good nutrition and calorie counting.

↪ Share Your Weight Loss Story

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