Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Weight loss, I’ve come a long way! 😭🙌🏼⁠

Weight loss, I’ve come a long way! 😭🙌🏼⁠
Praise God for growth. On the left I had just turned 23, and I can remember how insecure I felt looking at pictures of myself- and how deep inside I wanted to change but was content with being lazy and unhappy with what I saw in the mirror.⁠

I was with someone at the time who never made me second guess if I was beautiful and for that I appreciate him- but the truth was that I needed to make changes for my health.⁠

And that’s why it wasn’t until I had that realization 8 months later that I decided to do it foreal.⁠

Fast forward to my now 27 year old self, so happy I embarked upon this journey, and fell in love with the process. Never been this confident and happy with myself in my life- and the crazy thing is it didn’t come from the changes you see on the external. It comes from the changes you can’t see with your eyes- that have manifested themselves before you.⁠

I will never stop my pursuit of growth and progress, because to me a big part of life is becoming better than you were before.⁠

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