Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Exercise, A Successful Plan : Exercise Goals

Exercise Goals :

It  was very difficult for me to give up basketball, even when I knew that  the anaerobic stress was damaging my tissues. My love for competition,  continued improvement in the sport and overall enjoyment of the game  were the reasons I had a hard time quitting. Needless to say, my  emotional attachment to the sport allowed for a distortion of my  priorities. I had often told patients, concerning their health, "Short  term sacrifice means long term benefits" and, "discipline is not a  four letter word." Knowing I was not practicing what I preached, and  hearing my own words echo in my head, I soon submitted to my  conscience. The good news is that once I began to develop my aerobic  system, I was able to once again play basketball, and this time without  pain.

Many  of you who are reading this book may have an emotional attachment to  one or several things that are not healthy. You may need to give up  some things completely; others may be returned to you in time, once a  greater level of health is achieved. You should not look at these  changes as anything but positive. Always remember that when we take  care of the things God has placed in our trust, including our body, we  are blessed. 


👉 What Is Exercise?
👉 What Is The Best Exercise For Our Bodies?
👉 Fitness vs. Health.
👉 The Anaerobic System.
👉 The Aerobic System.
👉 Exercise Goals.
👉 How to Start.
👉 Target Heart Rate.
👉 Without A Heart Rate Monitor.
👉 What to Expect.
👉 Selecting a Program.
👉 The Emotional Component.
👉 Warm Up, Cool Down and Stretching.
👉 Maximum Aerobic Function Test (MAF).
👉 Summary.
👉 When to Add Other Exercises.

Exercise, A Successful Plan : Exercise Goals Exercise, A Successful Plan : Exercise Goals Exercise, A Successful Plan : Exercise Goals Exercise, A Successful Plan : Exercise Goals Exercise, A Successful Plan : Exercise Goals Exercise, A Successful Plan : Exercise Goals

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