Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Exercise - A Successful Plan : The Anaerobic System

Exercise - A Successful Plan :  The Anaerobic System
The Anaerobic System :

The  anaerobic system is vital to life. It gives us the quick energy we need  by using stored glycogen (blood sugar) to perform an activity. Very  small amounts of glycogen are available for use by our muscles at any  given time. That is why weight training "sets" last only a short period  before the muscles, "burn out." Too much anaerobic training can cause  chemical imbalances leading to injury and eventually illness. Weight  training, sprinting, fast jogging, and most other sports are forms of  anaerobic exercise.

Without  a doubt, we need our anaerobic systems for burning sugar, brain energy,  maintaining fat burning and for an additional source of body energy  during times of stress. Also, regular amounts of resistance exercise,  like weight training for example, have been shown to strengthen bones  and the surrounding soft tissues in women with osteoporosis. There are  other benefits as well. Unfortunately an imbalance is present in this  society, with too much emphasis placed on anaerobic development.

We  are made up of two types of muscle fibers that are simply named "fast" and "slow". Fast fibers are also called anaerobic fibers, while slow  fibers are called aerobic fibers. Your genetic makeup often determines  how much of each you have. Through training, an athlete can change the  function of a particular fiber, making a slow fiber act like a fast  fiber and vice versa. Once training has stopped, the cells gradually  return to normal. Sprinters and bodybuilders do not have the same  number of slow fibers as long distance athletes; instead, they have a  great deal more fast fibers. All athletes, which include everyone who  exercises regularly, have certain special needs. However, it is  interesting to note that athletes participating in fast fiber sports  perform better if they train their slow fibers as well according to the  method given below.

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