Saturday, December 11, 2021

What is the Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass? Follow My 5 Step Formula : Step 1 - Increase Your Calorie Intake

What is the Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass? Follow My 5 Step Formula : Step 1 - Increase Your Calorie Intake
Step 1 - Increase Your Calorie Intake :

The best way to gain muscle mass fast is to significantly increase your daily calorie intake. According to nutritionists an average male should consume around 2,500 calories per day (2,000 for women), but this is simply not enough for those that are looking to gain weight and build muscle mass fast.

You'll need to consume at least 1,000 extra calories per day (3,500 total) to see significant increases in muscle size quickly. Without these additional calories your muscles will effectively be "starved", and this will hamper their growth.

Split them over 6 meals per day, spaced around 3 hours apart. Make sure they are quality calories from sources like lean meats, fish, oatmeal, vegetables, and beans and pulses, and not junk like Big Macs and Doritos.

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