Monday, June 3, 2019

Bodybuilding Routines For Women - Dispelling the Myths :

Bodybuilding Routines For Women - Dispelling the Myths
The image that the term "bodybuilder" conjures is that of oiled bodies and bulging muscles on display for judging. More often than not, the term conjures the image of a bulky Terminator with a wide column for a neck and shoulders wider than two "normal" people put together. Now imagine a woman's head on top of those broad shoulders instead of Arnie's. That image kind of makes you want to cringe, doesn't it?

The term bodybuilding is almost always thought of as a guy thing. Not many people fancy a woman with a man's body. But see, this is the sad part. This image of a woman with a man's bulky, muscular frame, accounts for women's inclinations to stick to cardiovascular exercise only and to stay away from weight training. But the truth is, only weight training can give you that tight tummy and firmly sculpted feminine figure.

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