Saturday, March 7, 2020

How can you be Body Positive while Losing Weight? Is it Possible?

How can you be Body Positive while Losing Weight? Is it Possible?
How can you be Body Positive while Losing Weight? Is it Possible?

It is a journey. 👉 TAG a friend to remind them!! .

Answer these questions - Be HONEST with yourself. 👇

1. How you see your body?
2. How you feel about your body?
3. How you think about your body?

Ways to be more body positive: . * Focus on your positive qualities, skills, and talents.

* Say positive things to yourself every day (practicing affirmations) * Avoid negative or berating self-talk
* Focus on appreciating and respecting what your body can do
* Admire the beauty of others, but avoid comparing yourself to anyone else.
* Remind yourself that many media images are unrealistic and unattainable for the vast majority of people

👇 🛑 THE BIGGEST ONE: Set positive, health-focused goals rather than weight loss-focused goals. Weight loss can happen when you focus on HEALTH but it is not a reason to be healthy🛑.

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