Saturday, June 11, 2022

How to Build Pectoral Muscles : 3. Wide Grip Dips

3. Wide Grip Dips :

This exercise builds the lower chest while also exercising the triceps indirectly. It basically has the same effect as using a decline bench press but I think it is more effective, more enjoyable and manlier! I personally dislike the decline bench position 'cause it makes me dizzy.

Arnold's Bodybuilding Encyclopedia explains the motion best so I'll just recap what it states:

1) Hold yourself at arm's length above the bars

2) Then lower yourself slowly as far as you can go. From the bottom, press back up to the starting position, tensing the pectorals at the top.

In this movement, the further forward you lean, the more chest you involve so try crossing your feet behind your glutes (buttocks), which will shift your center of gravity forward and hit the pectorals harder.

A few additional notes about building pectoral muscles

• You can perform the first two exercises described (Flat Bench and Incline Bench) using Dumb Bells. Dumb Bells produce the same effect but force you to balance even more. Machines are the worst for balance and you should never use them. A free barbell is better than machines for balances but slightly worse than dumbbells.

• Occasionally use dumbbells for variety and to improve your balance-to ensure that your stronger side (the right side if you are right-handed and left if you are left-handed doesn't end up bigger than your weaker side.

• There are two basic classes of exercises for the chest. "Presses" and "Flys". As the name suggests, presses involve a pressing movement and are much more effective at building pectoral muscles. They are also more difficult.

• Flys involve a pulling motion toward the chest as in a bear hug. They are less effective and I consider them 'refinement' exercises. Unless you are professional bodybuilder being judged on every minuscule detail, they are not necessary. I am a big believer in simplifying things as much as possible. The simpler you make things the less daunting.


👉 1. Flat Bench Press
👉 2. Incline Bench
👉 3. Wide Grip Dips

How to Build Pectoral Muscles : 3. Wide Grip Dips How to Build Pectoral Muscles : 3. Wide Grip Dips How to Build Pectoral Muscles : 3. Wide Grip Dips How to Build Pectoral Muscles : 3. Wide Grip Dips How to Build Pectoral Muscles : 3. Wide Grip Dips How to Build Pectoral Muscles : 3. Wide Grip Dips

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