Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Top 5 Kettlebell Training Mistakes : 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles

4 - Not Using All Your Muscles :

The beauty of kettlebell exercises is that you get a full body workout with muscle building, calorie burning, and functional strength. The most common mistakes made by kettlebell users by both beginners and experts have is that they only use one muscle group. This is especially common for weight lifters adding in kettleball workouts. Every single weight lifting guide and trainer out there will tell you to have strict motions focusing on one or two groups of muscles. Kettlebell workouts want the exact opposite! Make sure in any swing motion you are transferring the power from the balls of your feet to the apex of your motion. Another common mistake is using your arms too much. If you watch any competitive CrossFit female competitor, they will use an unbelievable amount of weight during their kettlebell swings. That is because their form is impeccable and they use their body weight to as a counterweight and their arms are just for a connecting point, not for the heavy lifting.

How to Fix:

First of all make sure you are using the proper weight. Next make sure your form is good. Got it? Good.

Now visualize the tension in your entire body; glutes, hamstrings, quads, lower back, abdomen, shoulders, traps. You want to make sure your speed allows you to really feel each muscle group being used properly and under control. After your sets you feel your lower back hurting, than you need to use more quad and shoulder strength. If your arms hurt than try to focus on exploding and pushing off with your hamstrings.

Top 5 Kettlebell Training Mistakes : 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles Top 5 Kettlebell Training Mistakes : 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles Top 5 Kettlebell Training Mistakes : 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles Top 5 Kettlebell Training Mistakes : 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles Top 5 Kettlebell Training Mistakes : 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles Top 5 Kettlebell Training Mistakes : 4 - Not Using All Your Muscles

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