Monday, November 29, 2021

Exercise, A Successful Plan : Target Heart Rate

Target Heart Rate :

The  body switches from fat burning to sugar burning at a specific heart  rate. Therefore, the purchase of a heart rate monitor is highly  recommended. Once you enter the high heart rate range and engage the  anaerobic system you will no longer burn fat even if you return to a  lower heart rate. This means that all aerobic benefit could potentially  be lost. A heart rate monitor will help you stay below the anaerobic  range and will beep when you exceed it. Heart rate monitors are very  simple to use and usually include two pieces: a wrist piece that tells  the rate of beats per minute (doubles as a watch when not in use) and a  strap that goes around the chest which picks up the electrical signal  given off by the heart. They may be purchased at most sports stores for  less than $100.00.

To find your target heart rate range:      

  •     Take 180 and subtract your age.  
  •     Then add or subtract from this number based upon the following:
  •     Recovering from a major illness, surgery or taking daily medication...subtract 10
  •     Have  not exercised before, or have exercised but have been injured or are  regressing, or experience frequent colds, flu, or under high  stress,..subtract 5
  •     Exercising  for up to two years without any real problems, and have not had colds  or flu more than once or twice per year..subtract 0
  •     Exercising  for more than two years without any real problems and have been making  progress in your program or competition..add 5

  For  example, a fifty year old man who rarely exercises and gets the flu  and/or a cold or two most years would have a maximum aerobic heart rate  of 125bpm (180 - 50 -5). Then, his maximum aerobic range would be from  ten beats below his maximum, up to his maximum (115bpm-125bpm). The  heart rate monitor can be set for this range. When exercising above or  below this range, a beep will sound.


👉 What Is Exercise?
👉 What Is The Best Exercise For Our Bodies?
👉 Fitness vs. Health.
👉 The Anaerobic System.
👉 The Aerobic System.
👉 Exercise Goals.
👉 How to Start.
👉 Target Heart Rate.
👉 Without A Heart Rate Monitor.
👉 What to Expect.
👉 Selecting a Program.
👉 The Emotional Component.
👉 Warm Up, Cool Down and Stretching.
👉 Maximum Aerobic Function Test (MAF).
👉 Summary.
👉 When to Add Other Exercises.

Exercise, A Successful Plan : Target Heart Rate Exercise, A Successful Plan : Target Heart Rate Exercise, A Successful Plan : Target Heart Rate Exercise, A Successful Plan : Target Heart Rate Exercise, A Successful Plan : Target Heart Rate Exercise, A Successful Plan : Target Heart Rate

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