Saturday, January 1, 2022

The 5-Minute Workout : The other option is to pick a target number of reps for each set

The 5-Minute Workout : The other option is to pick a target number of reps for each set
The other option is to pick a target number of reps for each set :

You can perform sets of 5, 7 or 15 repetitions per set, it doesn't matter you pick it based on your level of fitness. The key is to do the same number of reps each time. Again you want to keep the rest period constant (10, 15 or 20 seconds is fine). If you are doing 7 repetitions per set, the first set may seem easy, especially if you're able to pop out 15 push-ups or pull-ups at any given time. But by the time you get to the 4th or 5th set you may find seven repetitions quite difficult.

    FYI...the way you stimulate or change the density of your muscles is by stressing them. If it's easy...the muscles don't have to CHANGE (become stronger or firmer) if they can already do the task you are asking them to do. When you stress the muscle it must adapt and become stronger or firmer in order to meet the task it is being forced to take on.

This is a simple and quick workout that is great for variety, lack of time (mom's with kids and jobs...this is a great quick workout) and probably most often helpful for those who train at home.

You can do this workout, in a gym. You might do a 5 minute workout on a squat rack...then spend another 5 minutes on pull-ups, lat pull-downs or seated rowing exercises. Followed by a 5 minute workout of bench press or push-ups, then finish off by doing some clean and overhead presses.

Grabbing a kettle ball and do one or two exercises for 5 minutes is another way of incorporating the 5 minute workout.

A great game to motivate yourself is to always try and do at least one more rep than you did the workout before. It gives you something to shot for.

Don't forget to make sure you train your body equally. If you are doing push-ups, you need to also do pull-ups otherwise you are creating muscle imbalance and making your body more vulnerable to upper back and neck pain. Therefore, Do Not only do push-ups which only target half your upper body.

Push-ups target your chest, shoulders and triceps...half your upper body!

Pull-ups target your back, biceps and forearms...the other half of your upper body.

You don't want to train only half your upper body because you can't do pull-ups.

My favorite way to workout at home is to do as many push-ups and pull-ups in those five minutes. If you can't do pull-ups you should incorporate modified pull-ups to your workout, but the goal should be to get a complete and balanced workout.

If you haven't tried this workout, give it a try. You'll be surprised how good of shape you can get into in less than 10 minutes a day! Remember in the military...all they do to get is shape are push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and a lot of running.

Also, it's not how long you workout, but rather how intense is your workout? The more intense the workout - the greater surge of testosterone. Simply walking may release some testosterone and growth hormones, but the more intense the workout the more growth hormones and testosterone are released. This is important because it's that testosterone that helps us add lean muscle to our body for both men and women. It also helps raise our libido.

Don't forget, exercise doesn't guarantee good health. If you are struggling with various health conditions (hypoglycemia, thyroid difficulties, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, etc...) your workout routine needs to take those conditions into consideration. Otherwise all your time, energy and effort may not be giving you the results you are hoping for. If that's the case, you may want a second opinion to make sure you are getting the most from all your hard work.


👉 Introduction : The 5-Minute Workout.
👉 The goal is to do as many repetitions of that one or two exercises in 3-5 minutes.
👉 The other option is to pick a target number of reps for each set.

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