Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The 7 Best Exercises You Can Do to Build Muscle ASAP : 7 - The Overhead Press

7 - The Overhead Press :

Traditional trainers rate the overhead press above the bench press. The overhead press puts less emphasis on the chest and more on the shoulders. If you do this standing up it's called the Military Press. My preference is to do it seated with your back well supported - this makes it more of an upper body movement, and makes it harder to cheat the weight up by driving the bar up using the legs and hips.

So there's the top seven exercises you can do to transform your body in the shortest time. Try and incorporate some of them at least, train them consistently and watch your body grow!

 The 7 Best Exercises You Can Do to Build Muscle ASAP : 7 - The Overhead Press The 7 Best Exercises You Can Do to Build Muscle ASAP : 7 - The Overhead Press The 7 Best Exercises You Can Do to Build Muscle ASAP : 7 - The Overhead Press The 7 Best Exercises You Can Do to Build Muscle ASAP : 7 - The Overhead Press The 7 Best Exercises You Can Do to Build Muscle ASAP : 7 - The Overhead Press

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